Waiver & Background Check forms:
Volunteer Release and Waiver of Liability
Alabama Background Check Report Waiver
The application form and the two required ancillary forms are in PDF file format. If you are unable to retrieve the forms in this format, please indicate this in the "notes" field when you fill out “I’D LIKE MORE INFO ON VOLUNTEERING" and the necessary forms will be mailed to you.
Email all completed forms to vfvvservices@gmail.com
Mail all completed forms to VFVV, P.O. Box 314, Auburn, AL, 36831-0314.
Once your application and all properly completed supporting documentation have been received and reviewed, a training session will need to be scheduled. Training is carried out in a single session of 1-2 hours. For vetting, a VF representative will conduct a background check using the Alabama Criminal Justice System online database and verify that your Alabama driver's license is current and that you have appropriate proof of current insurance if you have indicated an interest in providing transportation services to our subscribers. After you have been fully vetted, you may then accept those volunteer service assignments that interest you and fit within your schedule.